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Note: before using this website please carefully read the following terms and conditions. Use of this site indicates that you have known and accepted these terms. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this site.
Using the 1 site
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2 information release
The station information provided as is, without any form of assurance, including merchantability, suitable for a particular purpose or non - infringement of intellectual property guarantee. In addition, in the Department of commerce also does not guarantee the absolute accuracy of the information and absolute integrity. Zhongke business website content or introduced in these content in the product, price and configuration may change at any time, without notice. The contents of this site may have expired, Zhongke business makes no commitment to update them. The information published in this website may be in your local still can not get the products, services or procedures, you can to the Department of commerce business contact and consultation with local agents.
3 of users to submit materials
In addition to personal identification information, and any other information you send or post to the material, information or contact the station (hereinafter collectively referred to as information) will be deemed non confidential and non proprietary. Zhongke business will not be liable for the information. At the same time you submit behavior if no special statement, can be regarded as agreed (or authorization): Department of Commerce and its authorized person in will be available for commercial or non-commercial purpose free to copy, disclose, distribute, merge and use these information and all data, image, sound, text and other content in other ways. Your use of this website shall not violate laws and regulations and public morality, to or mail from the station or transmit any illegal, threats, slander, slander, obscenity, pornography or other potentially illegal material shall not be. If the content and related influence this information gives a false evidence warning or objection, the station may delete abort this information such information or unlimited browsing, without prior consent of the submitter, there is no obligation to notify the submitter afterwards, in serious cases, the station can take note of pin the user measures.
4 user communication content
In any field of information exchange of information between the individual or the net negative control or review users send or mail in the station's responsibilities include but are not limited to chat rooms, bulletin boards or other user forums and any communication content. Zhongke business does not assume any liability related to the content of any such exchange, regardless of whether they give rise to libel, privacy, obscene or other problems. Zhongke business retention in the deletion found containing information message is considered an insult, libel, obscenity or other undesirable content rights.

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