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Product model:MTB0007RBL
Product categories:tungsten rings
  • Item No.:MTB0007RBL
  • ​Material: Tungsten
  • Width:8mm 
    Thickness:2.3-2.5 mm 
    Finish: beveled edges, polished shiny and brushed, grooved
    Plating: rose gold and blue plating  
  • Inlay: no inlay
    Size:All sizes including 1/2 sizes 

  • Tungsten is extremely hard and dense. Combined with carbon and other elements, it becomes tungsten carbide, which registers between 8-9 on the Mohs hardness scale. Tungsten carbide jewelry is composed of a metal alloy, tungsten carbide. The alloy allows for maximum hardness and rigidity without sacrificing tensile strength. Tungsten jewelry’s roughly 10 times harder than 18k gold and four times harder than titanium. In addition to tungsten carbide jewelry’s design and high polish, part of its attraction to consumers is its technical nature. hardness, assuring long lasting beauty. Permanently polished tungsten jewelry, tungsten carbide rings, tungsten rings take a brilliant high polish and resist scratching longer than any metal ever offered to the public. Tungsten carbide jewelry will never bend out of shape.

  • Tungsten carbide rings are making a revolution in the jewelry industry by introducing unique types of designs. Tungsten rings is cut and polished with diamond toolsand it is not sizable by ordinary jewelers' tools -- the metal is too hard. Tungsten rings metal powder is converted to tungsten carbide by reaction with pure carbon powder, e.g. carbon black, at 900 - 2200°C in pusher or batch furnaces, a process called carburisation.
  • We have our own laser engraving team, can engrave any words or photo inside or outside of the ring with different engraving types, such as common engraving, deep engraving and black engraving. Please contact with our customer service if you need laser, different cost for different laser content. 




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